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Coverflex Team

Product News

Budgets: the new feature that brings even more flexibility to employees

This is the feedback we have recently received from many of our customers. Our solution simplifies many aspects of compensation but there is a whole world beyond flexible benefits. With this in mind, we developed a new feature: budgets.

More women in tech: strategies to recruit female talent

Women continue to be underrepresented in the tech world. Progress has been slow, and sometimes even a little discouraging: in a decade, the gap between women and men who embraced a career in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has widened, according to Eurostat data. In 2020, the percentage of women working in tech in Portugal stood at 19%, a decrease of 5.3 percentage points compared to 2012.
Coverflex Insights

Diversity is profitability. Seven tips to promote inclusion in companies

There is no longer any doubt: diverse and inclusive companies have countless competitive advantages, such as greater capacity for innovation, better performance, more effective collaboration, an increase in people's motivation and even greater profitability. Together, these are factors that make an organisation more competitive, but also more attractive to talent. Some studies even show that, in the moment of choosing, candidates increasingly value companies that put diversity on the agenda.

How to fill out your income tax return in Portugal in 2024 when you have a Savings and Retirement Plan

You can already read about Savings and Retirement Plans on our blog, and also about PPR Coverflex REAL Seguro E, the Savings and Retirement Plan that Coverflex has available for employees. In this article, we look at Savings and Retirement Plans in the context of taxes.
Inside Coverflex

Coverflex is one of the best places to work in Italy in 2024

In the beginning of 2023, Great Place to Work® recognised Coverflex as the best place to work in Portugal, in the category of companies with 51-100 employees. A few months later, our company was distinguished by the same entity as one of the best places to work in Europe in the category of medium-sized companies (50-499 employees). Now, we are thrilled to announce that Coverflex has been officially recognised as one of the best places to work in Italy in the category of companies with 10 to 49 employees!

Automatic personal income tax (IRS) in 2024: how does it work?

In this article you'll have access to a variety of valuable information about the personal income tax (IRS) in 2024, such as timeframe, highlights, and a step-by-step guide to filing this year's tax return.
Fireside Chats

B Corp Month: strengthening the community, inspiring companies, and building impact

March is B Corp month, and one of B Lab Portugal's initiatives to celebrate it was to hold a different kind of meeting for the B Corp community. The B2B meeting, which took place on March 12, 2024 at Impact Hub - Penha, in Lisbon, was attended by several B Corp companies and a special guest: Nuno Gaspar de Oliveira, from NBI - Natural Business Intelligence, who spoke about "from the business-as-usual economy to the natural/ecological economy".