
Coverflex Insights

Coverflex Insights

Working remotely “in the middle of nowhere”? 5 places in Portugal that you must visit

Would you like to work remotely within Portugal but from places “in the middle of nowhere”? Or, at least, from quiet places, surrounded by the beauty of nature, where you can work and, at the same time, enjoy the landscape and relax? From the beach to the countryside, passing through historic villages, Coverflex has prepared an itinerary with five incredible places in Portuguese territory where you have to go (and work from).
Coverflex Insights

Seven things employees look for in a job - and in a company

More than discussing who comes from Venus or Mars, at Coverflex we are interested in knowing how employees can be happy - or happier - at work. After all, what do they want and what does talent look for in a job and in a company?
Coverflex Insights

Baby on the way? Five steps to planning your parental leave

Parental leave is a right granted to fathers and mothers so that they can stay at home for a certain period of time, after the birth of their child, to provide the necessary care. During this period, the couple is entitled to financial support – the parental allowance – which is intended to replace the lack of income for the time they will be absent from work. The parental allowance thus replaces the salary of workers during their period of leave, and applies in the case of newborn or adopted children.
Coverflex Insights

Seven mental health apps you need to try in 2022

In an era when we all feel that we have little time for self-care, having an app on our smartphone - that we carry all the time - that tells us: “stop and take a deep breath”, or that guides us through a 10-minute meditation session, can be a good thing, no doubt. Mainly because well-being and health need a daily commitment, persistent actions that become regular habits. Only by doing this is it possible to create the desired change, improve to reach the best version of ourselves and, above all, ensure our well-being.
Coverflex Insights

Do you want to invest in your tech skills? Here are five courses that will boost your career

Are you looking for courses through which you can improve your technological skills? And with that change or progress in career? Good bet! The tech sector currently offers countless opportunities, whether for those looking to give a new direction to their career, or for professionals who intend to climb, seizing new opportunities for development and progression. It is the sector where employers find it most difficult to hire the right profile and, for that very reason, it is generally better paid than most industries. And wage pressure tends to increase.
Coverflex Insights

Lisbon, Cape Town and Madeira… Discover the top 10 places to work remotely

If you could work remotely from anywhere in the world, which place would you choose? Which characteristics are essential for you? Portugal is quite well positioned in this matter, with Lisbon, the capital, being considered the city of choice for working remotely, according to the Nomad List (consulted in December 2021), a reference list for digital nomads. But this is not the only achievement: in the top 10 of this ranking there are five Portuguese places, two of which are part of the top 3.
Coverflex Insights

Seven team building ideas to promote team spirit

Fostering team spirit through fun and relaxed moments, which encourage the creation of bonds between colleagues, is important for all organisations, regardless of the work model implemented. It is essential for companies that work remotely (so that they can hang out and get to know the faces of their colleagues without a screen in between), for those that work with a hybrid model (and, above all, after the pandemic forced the people to keep a social distance) and also for those who receive employees daily at the office (since the relationships that are established outside the office, in a more informal and relaxed context, are very different).