n the constantly changing landscape of business and technology, companies often discover that their initial brand identities no longer fit their needs. Coverflex, a dynamic player in the employee benefits industry, recently embarked on a journey to refresh its brand. The goal was to align its image with its rapid growth, expanded offerings, and diverse audience. In this blog post, we explore why Coverflex chose to refresh its brand, the meticulous process it undertook, and the exciting results that followed.

Why the need for a brand refresh

Coverflex's rapid growth in recent years has prompted a reevaluation of its brand. While the original design worked well in the digital realm, the company's expanding presence in physical spaces, such as events and advertising campaigns, highlighted the need for a more versatile and inclusive visual identity. As the audience grew, accessibility issues became evident, leading to a commitment to a design that caters to all users. The decision to refresh the brand was not only about keeping up with the business but also about leading the way to new heights and successes.

The process of crafting a new look

Coverflex conducted a thorough exploration to assess the strengths, weaknesses, and potential of its brand. Key stakeholders, such as team leads, management, and cultural influencers, were interviewed to gather insights and identify areas of improvement. Additionally, a company-wide survey was conducted to ensure a diverse range of perspectives. After weeks of analysis, the team decided to take an evolutionary approach, preserving the positive aspects of the brand while addressing its shortcomings. Maria Moita, Senior Designer, and Francisco Peres, Brand Executive, led the process, which involved a multidisciplinary team of experts, including product designers and cross-cultural copywriters.

Defining the brand story

The initial assessment found that, although visually appealing, the brand lacked a consistent narrative. To differentiate itself in a competitive market, Coverflex aimed to align its brand with a meaningful story. The brand now represents a revolutionary approach to work and compensation, challenging apathy. The redesigned logo underwent careful adjustments to eliminate pixel errors and enhance balance, approachability, and timelessness. A peach-coloured palette was thoughtfully chosen for both online and offline platforms, and new photography and video standards were established to enhance marketing efforts.

Enhancing legibility and accessibility

In its pursuit of a more inclusive brand, Coverflex prioritised improving legibility and accessibility. Maria Moita conducted tests and applied optical compensation techniques to enhance harmony and ensure a more readable and engaging experience for the brand's diverse audience.

Coverflex's brand refresh journey reflects a commitment to growth, inclusivity, and a compelling brand narrative. By embracing evolution rather than revolution, the company has strengthened its foundations while paving the way for future success. The refreshed brand not only tackles present challenges but also aligns with Coverflex's vision for the future—a future where work is redefined, and compensation heralds a new era for both employees and employers.