This document regulates the Terms and Conditions in regards to the access, adherence and use of the Coverflex Program, the Coverflex Application and Coverflex Wallet from UNIVERSAL COVER, S.A, a company with registered head office at EN 101 Av. Barros e Soares, 423, 4715-214 Braga, Portugal, registered at the Braga Commercial Registry under the legal person and registration number 515.428.515 (operating under the trademark “CoverFlex”), by the Coverflex Client for its Employees.

The terms and conditions detailed below accumulate with the general, special and specific conditions for each product and service available in the Coverflex Application. In the event of discrepancy between these terms and conditions and the general, special and specific conditions for each product and service, the later will prevail.

1. Definitions:

1.1 Under these Terms and Conditions, the following expressions have the following meanings:

a) COVERFLEX APPLICATION: the platform whose ownership and responsibility  belongs to and lies with Universal Cover, S.A., which can be accessed through the website www.coverflex.com or through download on the corresponding App Stores (Google Play for Android and Apple Store for iOS), reserved exclusively to Clients and respective Employees, which allow them to establish business relationships, to access and use of the Coverflex Wallet and to subscribe products and services with Coverflex and other Third Party Entities, under the terms set forth in Clause 4 of these Terms and Conditions.

b) CLIENT AREA: the area of the website and of the Coverflex Application reserved exclusively to the Client and to the Employee which allow them to establish business relationships and subscribe products and services with Coverflex and other Third Party Entities under the terms set forth under the Coverflex Terms and Conditions. The Client Area includes the access to the account balance and to the management of the Coverflex Wallet and Card.

c) CARD: the debit card issued by Pecunpay, held by the Client and to be made available to the Employee, associated to a payment account which allows the use of the  balance of the Coverflex Wallet for carrying out certain payment operations up to the amount limit previously agreed upon between the Client and Coverflex including the acquisition of goods and services in any Point of Sales (POS) or retailer website that accepts such means of payment, according to the Pecunpay Card Terms and Conditions.

d) CLIENT: the legal person, who maintains a contractual relationship with Coverflex, who enters into an agreement with the aforementioned and with other Third Party Entities, regarding the supply of products and services described in Clauses 2 and 4 , for  the benefit of itself or of its Employees.

e) COMPANY MANAGER: the natural person or persons indicated by the Client to Coverflex, which act in representation of the CLIENT when entering into and using the products and services described in Clause 4.

f) EMPLOYEE: the natural person with whom the Coverflex Client maintains a professional relationship, regardless of an existing labor relationship.

g) BUCKETS: the buckets in which the Employee Wallet is subdivided, more specifically: the bucket allocated to meal allowance (henceforth the Meal Bucket); and the bucket allocated to other flexible benefits contracted by the Client and their Employees (henceforth the Benefits Bucket). Each Bucket is associated to a payment account and an IBAN number.  

h) COVERFLEX: Universal Cover, S.A.

i) THIRD PARTY ENTITIES: Universal Cover Mediação de Seguros, Unipessoal Lda., the PECUNIA CARDS E.D.E, S.L.U, and other entities that partner with Coverflex.

j) PARTIES: Coverflex and the Client.

k) PECUNIA CARDS E.D.E, S.L.U (or “PECUNPAY”): the Spanish corporation PECUNIA CARDS E.D.E, S.L.U, an electronic money institution (EMI) supervised by and registered with the Bank of Spain under the number CSB 6707, with registered office at Calle Guzmán El Bueno, 133 – Edificio América – Bajo B – 28003 Madrid, with the tax payer number B86972346 registered at the Commercial Registry of Madrid under no.  V.32368, F.1, S. M-582661, Registration 1.

l) COVERFLEX PROGRAM: the products and services presented and marketed in the Coverflex Application.

m) UNIVERSAL COVER MEDIAÇÃO DE SEGUROS, UNIPESSOAL LDA (or “UNIVERSAL SEGUROS”): the Entity legally authorized to practice the insurance mediation activity under the Category of Insurance Agent, authorized for distribution of Life and Non-Life Insurance products under Article 9 subparagraph 1, a) of the Decree-Law 7/2019 of 16 January, with its registered office at EN 101 Av. Barros e Soares, 423, 4715-214 Braga, with the tax payer and company number 515. 767.939, registered at the Portuguese Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority (“ASF”), under the no. 420560995/3 [at REAL VIDA under the no. 28345].

n) COVERFLEX WALLET: solution that combines the Coverflex Application and an array of payment services provided by Pecunpay, accessible through a safe security system of personal and financial data exchange managed by Coverflex, which allows the Client to make available to its Employees a virtual wallet for the opening, monitoring and management of payment accounts associated with the Coverflex Program, the execution of payment operations and the adherence to a debit card issued by Pecunpay.

o) SITE: the Internet website owned by Universal Cover, S.A available at https://www.coverflex.com/.

When applicable, it should be considered that masculine terms include the feminine and that the singular terms include the plural terms and vice-versa.

2. Purpose

2.1 This document establishes the conditions and procedures for:

a) The access to and use of the Coverflex Application, owned by and of the responsibility of Coverflex, the content being exclusively determined by Coverflex.

b) The access and adherence to a Coverflex Program, through the subscription of products and services made available to the Client and/or the Employee to choose from, under the described terms on the Clause 4 of these Terms and Conditions.

c) The access and use of the Coverflex Wallet.

2.2 These Terms and Conditions do not exempt reading and complying with the Privacy Policy (available here) as well as the consultation of all the pre-contractual and contractual information legally required related to each product and service made available by Coverflex and other Third Party Entities.

3. Adherence to the Coverflex Program

3.1 The Client can access the Coverflex Website by telematics, through the Internet page www.coverflex.com, in compliance with the present Terms and Conditions, the Terms of the Site Use and the corresponding Privacy Policy.

3.2 To adhere to the Coverflex program and in order to access the Coverflex Application, the Client will have to register previously, by creating a Coverflex account with its e-mail address, followed by the setting of a password.

3.3 After the creation of the account, the Client must introduce its personal identification and attach the corresponding elements for evidence.

3.4 Once the registration and adherence process to the Coverflex Program is concluded, the Client must add the information related to the Employees that will benefit from the selected program.

3.5 The Employees identified by the Client will be invited to log in and to access the Coverflex application, to set a password before being able to take advantage of the benefits and cards that integrate the selected Coverflex Program.

3.6 Without prejudice to any products that must be directly entered into with Third Party Entities, the first access by the Client to the Coverflex Application represents an invitation to contract by Coverflex and/or by the Third Party Entities and the adherence to the Coverflex Program is considered to be complete with the confirmation notice sent by Coverflex to the Client.

3.7 The marketing of any and all insurance products made available in the Coverflex Application, including proposing, or carrying out other work preparatory to the conclusion of contracts of insurance, of concluding such contracts, or of assisting in the administration and performance of such contracts is of the exclusive responsibility of [UNIVERSAL SEGUROS].

3.8 The provision of any and all payment services and products and/or electronic money made available in the Coverflex Application, including the issuance of cards, is of the responsibility of Pecunpay and/or of other relevant Third Party Entities.

3.9 There may be products and services which imply the conclusion of direct contracts between the Client and the Third Party Entities. In such situations, the Third Party Entities are entirely responsible for the products and services presented and sold through the Coverflex Application, namely in what concerns the quality, safety, guarantee and compliance with the applicable legislation.

3.10 The Adherence to the Coverflex Program is only valid for legal persons with registered office or permanent establishment in Portugal.

3.11 Under no circumstances, does Coverflex provide professional advisory on legal, tax or financial matters and therefore the Client must seek professional advice from specialists in case of any doubt relating to the products and services to be subscribed. The recommendations that might eventually be transmitted by Coverflex under these scopes are for information purposes only and therefore shall not be interpreted by any means as binding.

4. Operation of the Coverflex Program

4.1 Any Instructions transmitted to Coverflex and other Third Party Entities through the Coverflex Application, if validly communicated, produce full legal effects, and the Client or the Employee of the Client cannot invoke the absence of the signature of any document as a way to exclude responsibility for the obligations agreed upon by virtue of instructions being validly transmitted and executed.

4.2 Coverflex and other Third Party Entities only execute the validly transmitted instructions by the Client or the Client’s Employee when the same are in conformity with the contracts and agreements laid out between the Client or the Client’s Employee and the mentioned entities, as well as with these Terms and Conditions.

4.3 Coverflex reserves the right to not execute any instructions transmitted through the Coverflex Application, whenever it suspects of its trustworthiness. Furthermore, it may block temporarily or definitely the Client or the Client’s Employee from gaining access to their Coverflex Application.

4.4 Coverflex shall not be liable for any delays, interruptions, and/or system errors and/or malfunction in the Coverflex Application that arise beyond the control and responsibility of Coverflex and that cause any limitation and/or constraint, total or partial, to the Client or to the Employee of the Client.

4.5 The transactions executed in accordance with the validly transmitted instructions by the Client are subjected to charges defined in the Specific Conditions and, if applicable, the Special Conditions of the contracts entered into between the Client or the Employee, Coverflex and any Third Party Entities.

4.6 As described in Clause 1 subparagraph c), Pecunpay is the entity responsible for the Card, including its issuance and management, and for the payment accounts of the Client associated with the Coverflex program. In view of any problem stemming from the use and operation of the Card or of the Coverflex Wallet associated with it, the Company Manager or the Employee must contact Coverflex through any support channels provided. Additionally they can contact the service provider directly through the following electronic mail address: [email protected].

5. Access to the Coverflex Wallet

5.1 The Client may access and use the Coverflex Wallet solution which allows it to make available to its Employees a virtual wallet as well as an access to certain payment services for the management of the Coverflex Program.

5.2 The access and use by the Client and by the respective Employees of the Coverflex Wallet is subject to the acceptance and compliance with these Terms and Conditions by the Client.

5.3 After the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions by the Client, the Employees will be able to take advantage of the Coverflex Wallet and all their functionalities, as well as use the Card associated to their Coverflex Wallet, once it is provided.

6. Functioning of the Coverflex Wallet

6.1 The Coverflex Wallet subdivides into the virtual wallet or Client Wallet and in the virtual wallet(s) or Wallets of the Clients’ Employee(s).

6.2 Each Wallet of the Client’s Employee(s) subdivides into the Meal Bucket and the Benefits Bucket.

6.3 To each Bucket is associated one IBAN (International Bank Account Number) in the following terms:

a) The Meal Bucket has an IBAN corresponding to a payment account;

b) The Benefits Bucket has an IBAN corresponding to a payment account, which can however be used by the Employee in the terms and up to the account balance limits previously agreed upon between the Client and Coverflex.

6.4 Each client has access to a Client Area and to their own Wallet, each associated to a unique account associated to an IBAN.

6.5 In the Client Area, the client will have access to information about the account balance used by each  Employee of the Client concerning, exclusively the Benefits Bucket.

6.6 The Coverflex Wallet also allows the Client to gain access to ancillary services made available by Coverflex or by Third Party Entities, namely:

a) The availability and management of the funds to be assigned to its Employees in the wallets and corresponding buckets;

b) The issuance of a debit card by Pecunpay, held by the Client and to be assigned to each Employee, regulated by the Terms and Conditions of the Pecunpay Card.

c) The access by the Clients’ Employees through the Site and Coverflex Application, the consultation of the registry associated with the available account balance and the various transactions carried out  in each bucket of the Coverflex Wallet;

d) The access to transactions previously carried out by its Employees in the respective Wallet related to the Benefits Bucket.

6.7 The Client must inform its Employees that the funds which are made available and accessible in the Benefits Bucket of the Wallet of the Employee Program are of the Client’s exclusive ownership.

6.8 The availability of funds to the Employee through the Coverflex Wallet is done solely and exclusively by the Client, through Coverflex, being prohibited to the Employee the possibility to autonomously charge or top up the Coverflex Wallet.

7. Transactions through Coverflex Wallet

7.1 Every payment operation (deposit, transfer, withdrawing of funds of a payment account as well as the necessary operations for the account management) and card based payment operations made through the Coverflex Wallet are made available and executed by the payment service provider Pecunpay according to its Terms and Conditions, whereby Coverflex is restricted, under the commercial partnership established with Pecunpay, to the transmission of the instructions by the Client or by the Client’s Employee, to confirm which  payment accounts are to be provisioned or withdrawn from.

7.2 The instructions transmitted by the Client and by the Client’s Employee in the Coverflex Wallet will be considered entirely valid and effective when given in accordance with the present Terms and Conditions, the Terms and Conditions of Pecunpay, and whenever the aforementioned have given their prior consent to the respective execution in whichever available channel of the Coverflex Application.

7.3 The maximum transaction amount is the one indicated by the Client’s Employee to Coverflex up to the account balance limit available or authorized in the corresponding payment account associated to the Coverflex Wallet or to the Card, at the date of said transaction.

7.4 An exception is made to the previous number when the Client or Coverflex establishes in the Employee’s Wallet a limit for each transaction according to the selected Coverflex Program, beyond which such transactions cannot be carried out without the explicit authorization of Coverflex.

7.5 Every Transaction is registered in the Employee’s and Client’s Wallet, the aforementioned being able to access the corresponding information register as well as in their personal Client Area in the site and in the Coverflex Application.

7.6 The Client will not have access to any information regarding the operations carried out by the Employee and allocated to the Meal Bucket in the Employee’s Wallet, however, it can access the account balance and movements registry (date and amount) regarding the operations carried out by the Client’s Employee, provided that the same are allocated to the Benefits Bucket.

7.7 For the purpose of the previous number, the Client must obtain the express consent of its Employees authorizing Coverflex to make available the information of the movements registry (date and amount) of the operations executed and allocated to the Program Bucket of the Wallet of the Employee in the Client Area.

7.8 The Client agrees to promptly communicate to Coverflex each and every irregularity on the availability of the funds, in the Coverflex Wallet account movements, as well as any anomalies to the standard operation of the Wallet.

7.9 For the purpose of the previous number, the communication should be made to the following contacts:

Email: [email protected]

8. Card

8.1 The adherence to the Coverflex Wallet entails the issuance and availability to the Client’s Employees of a debit card held by the Client and associated to the payment accounts of the Employee’s Wallet.

8.2 The issuance, the subscription of the Card  by the Client as the card holder, as well as the use of then Card by the Employee as the card user are of the exclusive responsibility of Pecunpay and must comply with the terms and conditions of the Pecunpay Card available here.

8.3 The Card allows the Client’s Employee to carry out debit payments up to the available amount in the payment account associated in the Coverflex Wallet.

8.4 The Card does not allow cash withdraws in automated teller machines (ATMs) in Portugal or abroad.

8.5 The Client is liable for the loss, destruction or misplacement of the Card and will be under the obligation to bear the associated costs previously communicated by Pecunpay in the commercial conditions transmitted in the moment of adherence to the Coverflex service.

8.6 The Client is exclusively liable for the usage of the card by the Client’s Employee.

8.7 The card is only valid for the duration shown on it.

8.8 The Client, as holder of the Card, shall immediately notify or ensure that the respective Employees that uses the card will communicate to Pecunpay or to Coverflex when made aware of the loss, misplacement, theft, robbery or forgery of the Card or any other event that might compromise the integrity and confidentiality of the Card’s security codes.

8.9 For the purpose of the previous number, the communication shall be to made do the following contacts:

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Telephone Contact Pecunpay: [: [+34 91 3457817]

8.10 In the event  of an Employee leaving the Coverflex Program, by indication of the Client:

8.10.1 The authorization for the access and use of the Coverflex Application granted to the Employee ceases, and the aforementioned shall, immediately, be unable to access and use the Coverflex Application;

8.10.2 All the remaining account balance of the aforementioned Employee in the Benefits Bucket shall be transferred to the Client Wallet;

8.10.3 The remaining Meal Bucket account balance will be available for the use by the Employees. The Client binds himself to notify the ex-Employee that the same has 180 (one hundred and eighty) days counting from the aforementioned notification to use the account balance, after which the Card will be canceled. The Client is fully liable for any and all damage caused by the lack of the aforementioned notification to the Employee as well as any account balance amounts not used during this deadline and that the Employee might claim from Coverflex;

8.10.4 Without prejudice to what is set forth in the previous number, once the Meal Bucket balance is depleted, Coverflex will request Pecunpay the definitive cancellation of the card.

8.11 Any issue, complaint and dispute related to the Card is of the exclusive responsibility of Pecunpay, whereby Coverflex acts as a mere platform to divulge the terms and conditions of the Card issued by Pecunpay and associated to the Coverflex Wallet under the commercial relationship established between both parties.

9. Price and Payment

9.1 For the adherence to the Coverflex Program, the Client will pay the fixed price for that subscription, which is subjected VAT at the legal rate in force from time to time. The payment is due in the receipt date.

9.2 Coverflex holds the right to review the applicable price at the end of each Coverflex Program or on its renewal. Such review is subject to prior notification to the Client by e-mail.

9.3 The price may be subject to amendments in the following situations:

9.3.1 In case the Client chooses to add or remove products and services from its Coverflex Program;

9.3.2 By means of agreement between both parties.

9.4 The failure to meet the prompt payment of any amount due to Coverflex grants the latter with the right to  claim late payment interests over such amounts up to the maximum legal rate in force.

9.5 In case the Client remains in late payment for a period superior to 30 days from the date of maturity of the obligation, Coverflex can suspend or terminate the Program, which entails the automatic (expiration) of the amounts due and not fulfilled.

9.6 The download and adherence to the Coverflex Application are free of charge.

9.7 The previous number will not apply to eventual costs, commissions, expenses and charges collected from the Client or from the Client’s Employee unrelated to the Coverflex Program and outside of Coverflex’s liability, eventually applied by Pecunpay or by Third Party Entities in accordance to the commercial conditions applied by those entities, such as, for example, the ones associated with the use of the card, the issuance of a second issue of the Card or the processing of payment operations.

10. Intellectual Property

10.1 The Intellectual Property Rights of all content within the Coverflex Application and the Coverflex Wallet that are not externally provided and as such properly identified, are of the exclusive property of Coverflex and are protected under the general terms of the national and international intellectual property legislation, Copyright Law and related rights, as well as the relevant legislation on cybercrime.

10.2 Coverflex hereby grants the Client and the Clients’ Employee the right, non-exclusive, limited, onerous and non-transferable for the use of the Coverflex Application which supports and enables the adherence to the Coverflex Program and to the Coverflex Wallet, for the duration of the agreement.

10.3 The Client or the Client’s Employee is not authorized, under any circumstance, by any means, to copy, reproduce, alter, divulge, distribute, sell, yield, transmit or make available through the Coverflex Application, as well as to store, distribute or transmit any virus, or any illegal , hazardous, threatening, defamatory, obscene, disrespectful, harassing, racist or ethnically offensive material for the duration of the agreement.

10.4 Coverflex holds the right to suspend, at any time, the access to the Coverflex Application for the breach of its intellectual property rights and/or the present Terms and Conditions by the Client or the Client Employee, by giving reasonable prior notice to the Client.

10.5 Coverflex holds the right to proceed judicially against the authors of any copy, reproduction, diffusion, non-authorized commercial use or any improper use of the Coverflex Application, rejecting any liability for any improper use of the Coverflex Application by Third Parties.

11. Client Duties

11.1 The client recognizes that the Coverflex Application access codes provided to the Company Manager and to the Client’s Employees have a personal nature and are non-transmissible, and therefore the Client is fully responsible for its confidentiality.

11.2 The Client recognizes that the Internet constitutes a public network of generalized access, and therefore Coverflex cannot be liable for any damages resulting of the misuse by the Client or by the Client’s Employee.

11.3 The Client will exercise all reasonable efforts among his employees  to prevent any unauthorized access or use to the Coverflex Application, and in the case of knowledge of any unauthorized access or usage, it shall immediately notify Coverflex, immediately taking any technically preventive and precautionary measures at its disposal.

11.4 The Company Manager must immediately notify Coverflex, in case the Client or its Employees receive a communication allowing the installation of the Coverflex Application through an entity other than the authorized App Stores – Google Pay for Android and App Store for the iOS.

11.5 Before communicating any instructions for the execution of any transaction, the Client must ensure that the Company Manager and the Client Employees read and comprehend every message and/or document made available for the product or service in question, in order to fulfill any and all obligations that arise associated to them.

11.6 The Client commits to ensure that its Employees are properly informed of the obligations to which they must comply for the use of the Coverflex Program.

12. Term and Termination of the Coverflex Program

12.1 The Adherence to the Coverflex Program enters into effect at the date of acceptance by Coverflex and will be in force until the date of its termination (“Term”) without prejudice of other agreed terms with Third Party Entities, for specific products and/or services.

12.2 Once the Term has elapsed, the Coverflex Program will automatically and successively renew for the same term, unless the any of the Parties opposes to the renewal, which does not require any prior notice.

12.3 Without prejudice to any and all rights or remedies that the Parties can be entitled to and without prejudice to the specific Terms and Conditions of each product or service agreed upon with Third Party Entities, any Party can terminate the Coverflex program, to the full extent legally allowed, if:

12.3.1 The other Party does not comply with the provisions in the present Terms and Conditions, if this breach is susceptible of remedy, and if the original agreement cannot be reestablished in 30 (thirty) days’ time after the notification made by the complying party; In case the situation cannot be reestablished, it can be terminated immediately after the reception of the notification by the non-compliant party; or

12.3.2 There is a deliberation or a judicial decision to  wind up, suspend or terminate the activity of the other party; or

12.3.3 There is a deliberation nominating a Judicial Administrator to manage the business, the activity and the property of the other Party, or if a petition to nominate a Judicial Administrator for the other Party is presented to a competent court, or in case a notice is made, by the other Party or by its Directors, of the intention to nominate a Judicial Administrator or an Insolvency Administrator; or

12.3.4 It is nominated a Liquidator related to certain assets of the other Party, or if the circumstances that allow a competent court or a creditor to nominate a Liquidator or an Judicial administrator for the other party are met; or

12.3.5 The Other Party ceases its activity.

12.4 The termination set forth in the previous numbers will be carried out by means of registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, to be sent to other party, in which the Party that invokes it shall demonstrate which contractual provisions were breached and the possible damages associated.

12.5 After the termination of the Coverflex Program, regardless of the motive that originated it, and without prejudice to the financial consequences, if any, the following applies:

12.5.1 The authorization for the access and use of the Coverflex Application granted to the Client ceases and the aforementioned, or any Clients’ Employees, when applicable, will immediately be unable to access and use the Coverflex Application;

12.5.2 All the remaining available account balance in the Benefits Bucket is transferred to a bank account to be indicated by the Client;

12.5.3 The remaining Meal Bucket account balance will be available for use by the Employees. The Client binds itself to notify the ex-Employee that the same has 180 (one hundred and eighty) days counting from the aforementioned notification to use the account balance, after which the card will be canceled. The Client is fully liable for any and all damage caused by the lack of the aforementioned notification to the Employee as well as any account balance amounts not used during this deadline and that the Employee might claim from Coverflex;

12.5.4 The termination of the Coverflex Program for any motive will occur without prejudice to any and all rights and remedies that the Parties have the right to, as set forth in the applicable law or in these Terms and Conditions, including the  price payment obligations, and will not affect any rights or responsibilities acquired by any of the Parties, nor the entry into force, nor the remaining in force of any provision of the present Terms and Conditions, that in an express or tacitly manner, is intended to enter into force or to remain in force during or after the mentioned termination;

12.5.5 Coverflex will proceed to extract and deliver to the Client and/or to eliminate any and all data and documentation made available, in strict compliance with the applicable legislation in personal data protection and according with the Privacy Policy of Coverflex.

13. Amendments to the Terms and Conditions

13.1 Coverflex reserves the right to modify, unilaterally and at any time the present Terms and Conditions, as well as the contents and procedures of access and use of the Coverflex Application.

13.2 If changes are introduced, in the circumstances mentioned in the previous numbers, Coverflex will notify the Client and the Client Employee of the terms, conditions and/or procedures modified in their first access, requesting an explicit statement acknowledging the modifications and the acceptance of the modifications introduced.

14. Liability

14.1 Coverflex is not liable for any delays, interruptions and/or system errors and/or malfunctioning of the Client Area, that arise from any events beyond the control and responsibility of Coverflex and that cause any limitation and/or constraint, total or partial, to the Client or to the Employee. As a purely illustrative example the following situations: when these events originate in the telecommunication network, computer-based system failure, software failure, electric current failure.

14.2 The noncompliance, in all or in part, of any obligations arising from these Terms and Conditions or from the applicable legal provisions, constitutes as motive for the immediate resolution of the present adherence contract by means of a written notification to the other party.

14.3 Coverflex is not liable to the Client for the contractual relationships assumed directly with Third Party Entities.

14.4 Coverflex is not liable for the defective use of the Client Area by the Client, or by any mistake from its part in the process of registration and adherence to the Coverflex Program, nor for facts imputable to a Third Party Entity.

14.5 Coverflex is not liable for the content and information made available by Third Party Entities in the Coverflex Application. Such content and information are of the entire responsibility of the respective Third Party Entities, when applicable.

14.6 Coverflex is not liable for the compliance in its entirety of the contracts celebrated between the Client and Third Party Entities, whereas any complaint related to the execution of the contract should be forward to the respective Third Party Entities, which shall be liable for the contracts that have been entered into.

14.7 The Client and the Clients’ Employee are responsible for the use of the Coverflex Application, namely for the information provided in the purchase and the evaluation content of the Sellers.

15. Data Protection

Please see our Privacy Policy here, which comprehensively explains all the rights of the data holders and the conditions of usage and treatment of personal data during the execution of the Coverflex Program.

16. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

16.1 To any matter that is not expressly regulated in the present Terms and Conditions, the Portuguese Law will apply.

16.2 In case of disputes related to the validity, efficiency, interpretation, application or compliance with the present Terms and Conditions, Coverflex and the Client accept that the competent court to resolve the dispute is exclusively the Judicial District Court of Lisbon (Tribunal da Comarca de Lisboa) expressly wavering Judicial resource to others.