Coverflex Childcare

The childcare voucher with the lowest commission in Portugal
The first completely autonomous and digital experience to issue childcare vouchers in Portugal.
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thousands of users prefer Coverflex
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Advantages of Coverflex Childcare

  • 40% cost markup for Corporate Tax
  • Total exemption of Social Security Contributions (TSU) for the Company (23.75%)
  • Total tax exemption (IRS and TSU) for employees (11%)
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thousands of users choose Coverflex Insurance
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Fixed and transparent price

competing commissions usually vary between 3% and 7% depending on negotiation of proposals


The Coverflex Childcare voucher is a social voucher used to pay for the education expenses of children aged 0-7 years old (excluding).

Regulated by the DL 26/99 of January 28th, it can be used in nurseries and kindergartens in public, private and public-private education.
It allows companies to support the families of their employees while fiscally benefitting from 40% cost markup for Corporate Tax and TSU exemption.

Explore our certified school network

We work with a growing network from North to South of the country. Find out if we’re already working with the school your employees’ children attend.

Issue your first voucher in 3 steps

in a fully autonomous and digital way

Issue a Coverflex Childcare voucher
Pay by bank transfer
The school will receive the payment within 3 working days

Create an account for your company

We just need the name and tax number of your company. On your next visit to, just log in to the private area to access the history and issue new vouchers.

Issue a Coverflex Childcare voucher

Enter the information about the employee and their child, choose the school and define the amount of the voucher. As soon as you confirm, the payment details will be availale on the platform.

Pay by bank transfer to Coverflex and we’ll pay the school

Once we have validated your transfer, the payment to the school is immediate. Both company and employee will be notified, the school will receive the payment within 3 working days, and the invoice will be available in the private area.
Thousands of schools and companies trust us
schools from North to South of Portugal
Coverflex Childcare vouchers issued since January 2021
companies already issued Coverflex Childcare vouchers
What schools are saying about the
Coverflex Childcare experience
“Fast, simple and effective. Our experience with Coverflex is going really well.“
Cristina Ribeiro

— Paço de Arcos
“The communication is sent via email and the process is almost automatic. The experience is effective, and the product is good: basically, it meets people’s needs.”
Teresa Costa

Aquarium Project
— Braga
“Working with Coverflex has been a flawless experience. The voucher is issued in one day and the reimbursement happens in the following one. That is fantastic.”
Filipa Fragoso

Aquarium Project
— Coimbra
“It’s a way faster and way less bureaucratic process than the ones of other companies: I don’t need to do anything apart from check that the money shows in our bank account.”
Joana Fidalgo
Tangerina, Educação e Ensino— Porto
“When they first started, school vouchers were in paper format and the processes were trickier. Working with Coverflex is easy, fast and practical: I get a notification from Coverflex saying the voucher is accepted, and the transfer is usually quick. And that’s it, it’s done.”
Carlota Cardoso Pinto
PaRK International School — Lisboa
“Working with Coverflex has been practical and functional. It’s very easy to use and the voucher amount quickly shows in the school’s bank account. When parents send an email letting us know they issued a voucher, it’s usually a matter of hours until the money becomes available. “
Ana Margarida
Casa Cor de Rosa — Centro Sócio Cultural
da Paróquia de Nossa Senhora de Lurdes
“Rápido, simples e eficaz. A nossa experiência com a Coverflex está a correr muito bem, é tudo muito simples e rápido.”
Cristina Ribeiro

— Paço de Arcos
“Enviam a comunicação por email e é quase automático. A experiência é boa e eficaz, com um bom produto: no fundo vai ao encontro do que as pessoas querem.”
Teresa Costa

Aquarium Project
— Braga
“Trabalhar com a Coverflex tem sido uma experiência impecável. O cheque cai num dia e o reembolso acontece no outro. Nesse ponto é fantástico.”
Filipa Fragoso

Aquarium Project
— Coimbra
“É um processo mais rápido e menos burocrático do que o das outras empresas: não tenho de fazer nada, basta verificar se o dinheiro está na nossa conta bancária.”
Joana Fidalgo
Tangerina, Educação e Ensino — Porto
“Quando apareceram, os vales eram mais complicados porque recebíamos em formato papel. Da Coverflex recebo uma notificação de que foi aceite, e costuma ser rápida a transferência. Fácil, rápido, prático. Só recebo a vossa notificação e já está feito.”
Carlota Cardoso Pinto
PaRK International School  — Lisboa
“Trabalhar com a Coverflex tem sido prático e funcional. É muito fácil de usar, o valor do vale chega rapidamente à conta da escola. Quando os pais enviam email a avisar, é uma questão de horas até ficar disponível.”
Ana Margarida
Casa Cor de Rosa — Centro Sócio Cultural da Paróquia de Nossa Senhora de Lurdes


Is the school I'm looking for already part of the Coverflex network?
What is the comission charged to the company for each issued childcare voucher?
Is there an amount limit for a Childcare voucher?
Are there any costs for the schools to receive payments through Childcare vouchers?
What does a school have to do to be part of the Coverflex network?

Coverflex Products


The best experience to manage and spend Meal Allowance.

Annual plan
per employee
Monthly plan
per employee

*up to 25 employees

free digital card
or €6 | physical card
Chosen by


The easiest way to award, manage and enjoy multiple benefits, includes our Childcare and Meal services.

Annual plan
per employee
Monthly plan
per employee
+€1 | digital card
or €6 | physical card
Chosen by


The first fully digital and autonomous experience to issue childcare vouchers.

commission per childcare voucher